Look what we’ve become

Cyclone now trades under the name Fletcher Wire Products. It is a brand created to reflect our growing and diverse business. The look might be different but the helpful people and quality products are the same.

Fletcher Wire Products - Cyclone, Ecplise Wire Products, NZ Wire
Square Welded Mesh

Square Welded Mesh

Cyclone Square Welded Mesh is galvanized after fabrication for longer life.

This versatile product is suitable for use with boundary fences, garden landscaping, tree protection and pet enclosures.

Size ranges available

SQUARE (mm) HEIGHT (mm) WIRE DIA. (mm) Wire Gauge LENGTH (m)
13 900 0.9 20g 5
13 900 1.25 18g 5 / 30
19 900 0.9 20g 5
19 900 1.25 18g 5 / 30
25 900 0.9 20g 5
25 900 1.25 18g 5 / 30
13 900 0.70 / 1.00 22g / 19g 5
20 900 0.70 / 1.00 22g / 19g 5
25 900 0.90 / 1.25 20g / 18g 5